Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hmmm.... calls are down?

Its funny... ever since posting this blog, it seems that the number of calls from people wanting to get into mercenary work has gone down. Go figure.

Of course, I still get the occasional call from a few people that love my clever "cover story" that Executive Outcomes is dead - and they want to know what jobs I still have available.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello this is -The Jester- a.k.a. william reeves and i am exmilitary -army- nothing to special but drill was a merc.-perkins-he introduced me to it and i loved it but i dont live in ft.sill no more i live in mississippi my email is billycowboy10@hotmail.com if interested write me back please? thank you for your time ----Jester

7:23 PM, September 10, 2005  
Blogger Marcela said...

Muy original tu foto de
Me encanta Canadá, lo conozco, lamentablemente, por fotos.
My bueno tu blogg.
Te felicito

7:12 AM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger Peach Flambée said...

People believe what they see on TV, but show them a sign that says "Wet Paint" and they just gotta check for themselves ...

I can corroborate that there is no "cover story" here. The only subterfuge that goes on around our place is when Jack lets the rats out of their cages without my knowledge, then we have to move the furniture when he loses track of them.

2:51 PM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger MacGyver said...

This is Bullsh*t! How often do you have to sign up for crap?
In any case it's a sad state of affairs when it comes down to a small group of professionals takes care of a situation and it gets put down by the the F UN! And the US Miltary is so weak that it can't back them up. Hey, if it weren't for the Vets from the past we couldn't pull our collective heads out of our arses! I'm considered too old to fight but damn, I can still train people. I survived Tet and I've got to tell you the sh*t really hit the fan. I was at Phui Bai....one of few who didn't get evac'd/

4:16 AM, September 07, 2009  

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